-It is the responsibility of the trainees to ensure they have adequate health insurance, as well as wider insurance covering them for the period of their internship. They are also responsible for travel documentation, including passports and visas.
-It is recommended to have travel insurance as well as a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). The insurance should cover medical expenses, flight cancellations, and personal accidents, lost luggage, lost or stolen money, lost or stolen personal effects, and a level of personal liability cover.
-The accepted interns is required to send the flight information of arrival to Turkey before they leave their country. The flight information should be sent to erasmus-staj@yildiz.edu.tr
-After the arrival, the intern is considered to be able to start the internship as mentioned in the acceptance letters by both the department and the Erasmus office. The intern can directly contact the mentor/supervisor at the department and start the internship period.
-Erasmus office will issue student certificate, and student ID card for the intern so that the intern could easily enter the campus. Upon arrival, the intern will be informed how the procedure will be followed by the Erasmus office via email.
-If the intern is eager to do so, an Erasmus Club buddy can be attained and Erasmus buddy can help the intern with basic get-around in the university and the city. Please ask so if you are interested and your contact information will be shared with ESN Club.
-After the internship ends, the intern will need to contact Erasmus office for departure papers such as attandance certificate. Please use the email address erasmus-staj@yildiz.edu.tr for such purposes.