Grant Information


Selected participants in the Erasmus Worldwide Study program from the partner unbiversities get a daily stipend of 140 euros.
Participants who are chosen will also get a travel allowance. The distance calculation between Yıldız Technical University and the host city is done by Distance Calculator : 
Distance Travel Grant
20-99 km 20 €
100-499 km 180 €
500-1999 km 275 €
2000- 2999 km 360 €
3000-3999 km 530 €
4000- 7999 km 820 €
8000 km an
1.500 €
The linear distance between the cities where the university of origin and the host university are located is represented by these unit costs.This is calculated automatically by a European Commission website and is not changable. The amount of financial assistance provided is the maximum authorized by the Erasmus Program, and it is designed to help with the round travel between the home and host universities. If the allotted value is inadequate to cover the cost of the intended trip, the scholarship recipient must seek additional financial support elsewhere. The travel allowance is not paid before the participant arrives at Yıldız Technical University.
Before the participant arrives in Turkey, he/she is supposed to open a Euro bank account in his/her country and give the account information to YTU Erasmus Office. Thus, Erasmus office staff, prepares the grant aggrement and when the participant arrives at Yildiz Technical University, he/she can sign the grant agreement. Right after it, financial support in full (100%) is paid to the account of the participant in the country of origin. There might be some cuts since it is a SWIFT. Erasmus grant is paid during the mobility, not before. 
A Sample of Grant Calculation

For a visit from Georgia for 5 working days, the total grant is calculated as follows:

Daily Grant: 140*5 (mobility days) + 140*2 (travel days) = 980 €

Travel Grant: 275 €

Total Grant: 1255 €