Değerli Öğrencilerimiz,
(Scroll down for English)
2019-2020 akademik yılında Erasmus+ KA-103(AB Ülkeleri) Öğrenci Hareketliliği gerçekleştirmek üzere başvuruda bulunan ve 16 Aralık 2018 Pazar günü 10:00-11:30’da düzenlenecek olan Erasmus+ İngilizce Yeterlik Sınavı’na katılacağını beyan eden öğrencilere ait Sınav Oturum Listesine aşağıdaki linkten ulaşabilirsiniz.Lütfen isminizi listeden kontrol ederek ve sınav kurallarını okumuş olarak 16 Aralık 2018’de saat 9:30’da listede belirtilen sınav salonunda hazır bulununuz.
Not: Yabancı Uyruklu öğrenciler sınava giriş için ikamet kartı, pasaport ya da geçici koruma kimlik belgesi ibraz edebilirler.
Sınav Oturum Listesi (tıklayınız/click here)
Sınav Kuralları
Dear Students,
Click on the link above (titled "Sınav Oturum Listesi") for a list of students that are going to take the Erasmus+ English Proficiency Test at 10.00 - 11.30 on Sunday 16th December 2018 in order to attend the Erasmus+ KA-103 Student Mobility in the 2019-2020 Academic Year. The list includes your name, the name of the building to take the test, the room number and the number of the seat. Please check all this information on the list and read the rules below before coming to the exam and be present in the exam building at 09.30.
Exam Rules:
1. Passport, Residence Permit (İkamet) Card or Temporary Protection ID Document (Geçici Koruma Kimlik Belgesi) is required. One of these documents is enough.
2. It is forbidden to bring mobile phones into the classroom. Similarly, students cannot bring any other electronic devices that help communicate, notebooks, dictionaries, draft paper.
3. The duration of the exam is 90 minutes, you can't leave the room in the first 30 and the last 15 minutes. It will not be possible to enter the classroom after 15 minutes following the start of the test.
4. The false answers do not invalidate the true answers.
5. It is forbidden to leave the room during the exam for any reason. If the student still leaves the room, they will not be accepted in again.
6. It is forbidden to speak to the authorized staff during the exam.
7. You must obey the warnings of the officers during the test. They can change your seat if required. Otherwise, your name will be reported, and your exam will be invalid.
8. Authorized staff will report the names of the students who cheat, help cheating or attend cheating during the exam and the exam of these students will be invalid. The authorized staff do not have to warn you about this matter, it is totally under the student's responsibility.
9. It is required that you need to fill in the correct answers on the answer sheet. The answers on the question booklet are not going to be considered.
10. Check the question booklet when you receive it to see if there are any missing pages, and consult the authorized staff if you find a mistake with printing.
11. Do not forget to sign the signature box on the answer sheet.
12. Before starting the test, fill in the required places on the answer sheet such as you name surname, TC number, student ID number, booklet type (A or B).
13. You may use the blank fields on the question booklet as a draft.
14. It is forbidden to copy the questions or write down answers on a paper and take it outside the classroom.
15. Do not forget to submit the question booklet and answer sheet to the authorized staff.